There is the story that your body tells. Let your body do the talking.


Practice focusing on yourself

The body innates wisdom to move towards healing. Nolas approach blends the hands-on techniques of Polarity Therapy and Cranial Sacral Unwinding and together, these modalities create a holistic framework for addressing physical, emotional, and energetic imbalances. Her goal is to create a safe and nurturing space where you can explore your body's wisdom and unlock your full potential.


  • Polarity Therapy is a holistic health building practice that views the human body as an intricate energy system. Imagine your body is a complex network of rivers and streams, each carrying vital energy. When these waterways flow freely, you experience optimal health and well-being. Polarity Therapy focuses on restoring the natural flow of energy within the body.

  • Cranial Sacral Unwinding is a soft and gentle, hands-on therapy that focuses on releasing fascial restrictions. By working with the subtle rhythms of your body, a practitioner can identify and address areas of tension, allowing your fascia to unwind and regain its natural state of being

Polarity Therapy: A Path to Balance

Polarity Therapy is a holistic health building practice that views the human body as an intricate energy system. Imagine your body is a complex network of rivers and streams, each carrying vital energy. When these waterways flow freely, you experience optimal health and well-being. Polarity Therapy focuses on restoring the natural flow of energy within the body. Practitioners believe that everything in the universe, including the human body, is composed of opposing forces, or polarities. These polarities, such as yin and yang, create a dynamic balance. When this balance is disrupted, it can lead to physical discomfort, emotional distress, or even illness.

A Polarity Therapy session involves hands-on techniques, breathing exercises, and sometimes nutritional guidance. Practitioners work with specific points on the body, known as energy centers or chakras, to harmonize the energy flow. Depending on the session it can be a gentle, relaxing experience. Other times it can be dynamic and invigorating depending on the client’s needs at the time of the session. It's a non-invasive method to release physical tension and promote relaxation that can help with stress reduction, pain relief, and overall well-being. These techniques aim to stimulate the body's innate healing abilities.


Polarity Therapy was developed by Dr. Randolph Stone (1890-1981), an Austrian-American Osteopath, Chiropractor, and Naturopath. His extensive studies in various healing modalities, including Ayurveda and Taoist traditions formed the foundation for his groundbreaking work. Dr. Stone observed that the human body operates on energy systems as described by Eastern philosophies. Dr. Stone developed a system of hands-on techniques, focusing on specific energy centers within the body. The result of his life’s work is what we know today as Polarity Therapy.

Cranial Sacral Unwinding: Unlocking Your Body's future.

Cranial Sacral Unwinding is a soft and gentle, hands-on therapy that focuses on releasing fascial restrictions. By working with the subtle rhythms of your body, a practitioner can identify and address areas of tension, allowing your fascia to unwind and regain its natural state of being.

Imagine your body as a complex network of interconnected tissues, like a finely woven tapestry. At the heart of this intricate system is the fascia, a connective tissue that envelopes every muscle, bone, organ, and nerve. Over time, stress, injuries, or emotional experiences can cause this fascia to become restricted, leading to pain, discomfort, and reduced mobility.

Your body has a gentle, rhythmic movement influenced by the fluid surrounding your brain and spinal cord. Cranial Sacral Unwinding practitioners are skilled at sensing and following this rhythm. By working with the fascia, they can release deep-seated tension and restore balance to your body's entire system. Nola uses light touch to identify areas of restriction within the fascia. Through gentle movements and holding, these tensions can be released, promoting a deep sense of relaxation and well-being.

Many people find relief from conditions such as: Chronic pain, headaches and migraines, digestive issues, anxiety and stress, sleep disorders, Post Traumatic Stress (PTS). However, it’s not just about treating specific conditions. It's about enhancing overall well-being by restoring balance to your body's connective tissue network.

What clients say

„Ich mach´s mir bequem auf ihrer bequemen Liege und bewundere still die Schleifen der Deckenlampe. Nolas Berührungen sind zart, doch direkt, klar und sicher. Ich spüre ihre Kraft. Vertraue mich ihren Händen an, auch wenn sie meinen Kopf wie eine Kokosnuss hin und her rollt. Sie nimmt sich ungefähr eine Stunde Zeit für mich. Auf dem Heimweg gehe ich beschwingt, mein Körper fühlt sich fedrig leicht an und erscheint mir so durchlässig, dass ich meine zu spüren, wie der Abendwind an den Zellen vorbei und zwischen ihnen hindurch weht. Danke.“

– Clhristine Glander-Rieker

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Room for Stories

Room for Stories

Die Geschichte Ihres Lebens ist wertvoll. Ihre Geschichte gehört zu Ihnen, Sie können sie nicht ablegen. Doch Sie können ein Narrativ erschaffen, das die Höhen, Tiefen sowie die Zwischentöne Ihrer Geschichte würdigt. Jede Geschichte verdient liebevolle Aufmerksamkeit in allen Episoden.